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  1. What will the reaction of employees be since assessments are transparent? What will happen with the working environment? As usually surveys guarantee anonymity.
  2. Our company already has a reward system for job functions (sales people, normative in production). What is in such case is the advantage/benefit of introducing HRM Review?
  3. What shall we do if some individualls do not want to participate in the evaluations?
  4. We have a lot of employees – we are afraid they will spend too much time for evaluations (despite knowing they should not spend more then a minute per person).
  5. I am worried about the cost, as we don't have a lot of assets available at the moment
  1. What will the reaction of employees be since assessments are transparent? What will happen with the working environment? As usually surveys guarantee anonymity.
    1. The program enables you to set rights for viewing; therefore you can fully restrict or allow viewing only for select individuals or groups.
    2. HRM review cannot be compared to surveys as users' entries in addition to assessing performance only express current feelings about colleagues and their working environment.
    3. Is it possible that with the question "How will employees respond to transparency" you wonder what would happen in case bad inter-relations are reported (which very likely exist and were hidden)but will be addressed and will start being resolved?
      What psychology believes about transparency?
      • Only individuals who want to benefit from others, without their knowledge or participation, avoid transparency of inter-relations (business secrets excluded). Usually, they believe they are smarter or more appreciated than others, and therefore think they can manipulate other people without consequences. Practice shows that any kind of manipulation causes and creates a vicious circle, which according to majority (majority in this case represents those who don't have enough knowledge about how to change such situations) is best left alone. They usually follow an old rule: "Divide and rule". Unfortunately this rule is used in many companies, which as a consequence lose a lot of potential. It is worth to ask yourself: When do people achieve better results at work?
        When relations are clear or when they act kind but are hiding hostility?
        The fact is that without honest communications, relations can't be on a good level, which causes poor mutual cooperation and a negative atmosphere. Less transparency is exhausts people and therefore lowers their efficiency and productivity.
        It is difficult to notice from the surface, as all may appear well, but people actually are perhaps forming groups and are working against each other. Instead of into work, they invest energy into negative thinking and cause deterioration of relations.
      What does clarifying of communication between employees mean for a company?
      • At the beginning you very likely will be met with some anxiety, but once individuals manage to express what they feel about their colleagues, they will all feel relief, which generally indicates mutual cooperation. People start to appreciate being in such an environment that supports open communication, and open talk, except with those of course, who are engaged in creating a bad atmosphere as their hobby and entertainment.
        In any group such people can be found. They cause various adverse effects: criticism, spreading rumours, victimization etc. They disturb their colleagues at their work, since they assume nobody can stop them. Managers generally don't have an overview over the quality of relations and discover problems with relations only when it manifests as a visible conflict. Even at that time, they generally have no recourse to solve disagreements, so problems are not resolved and it is proven that such an atmosphere HAS a negative impact on business results.
      What consequences/results will HRM review bring?
      • Program can expose, with the transparency over comments, those individuals who have consciously or unconsciously a negative impact on others and also allows you to clarify relationships and to take further action, if necessary.
      And finally:
      • Don't you think that even the awareness, of having poor relationships in your company, harms efficiency and requires consideration about what can be done differently?

  2. Our company already has a reward system for job functions (sales people, normative in production). What is in such case is the advantage/benefit of introducing HRM Review?
    1. Program will allow you to introduce this awarding system for all departments and will create a healthy competitive attitude, since the whole department will work, on a monthly basis, towards achieving the best possible results amongst other departments. All in all, you will achieve better inter-relations and greater willingness among colleagues to cooperate.
      HRM review, as an out of the box software, without any additional training provides two key benefits to users and encourages overall employee performance by:
      1. Improvement of inter working relations from the knowledge that the quality of communication and cooperation with colleagues directly reflects on performance and triggers a higher income.
        (Tolerance to colleagues, willingness to help and cooperate significantly improves as part of an individuals' income depends on colleagues' evaluations.)
      2. Increased performance and productivity driven by the desire for a better monthly position.
        (It is interesting that individuals at the lowest position in the table don't want to stay low, and in most cases, make a commitment to improve their ranking. Knowing that person is ranked low works better than any other kind of stimulation.)
    2. Increased performance and productivity driven by the desire for a better monthly position. (It is interesting that individuals at the lowest position in the table don't want to stay low, and in most cases, make a commitment to improve their ranking. Knowing that person is ranked low works better than any other kind of stimulation.)

  3. What shall we do if some individualls do not want to participate in the evaluations?
    How to introduce the program when employees in general are against any change?
    1. One of the basic physical laws states that, it all is in balance. When something is taken without ensuring a balance (without giving something in return), we work against a natural law, which leads us to undesirable consequences. In general, people always are interested in changes which can improve their environment or conditions of life. But when we get a feeling that someone is introducing changes only towards their own advantage, we ALWAYS will resist.
      We are therefore choosing between two approaches which define how much responsibility an individual is willing to accept:
      1. We accept decisions on ourselves; that we try to introduce changes by force, which per the law of balance means that we want to take something without compensation. Notwithstanding good intentions, or long-term benefits that would be gained by introducing the change, people will resist from the principle itself, as nobody asked them for an opinion. The managers who implement changes without involving employees and without their participation, work against physical laws and will experiencing frustration and resistance.
      2. We explain benefits and let the people decide; This is of course only a "virtual democracy" as when their decision is not such as you want it to be, you and an Executive Director still have the power of "veto", and can move things your way. In any case, you should thank them for their suggestions, and explain to them that you have due to such and such reason (you have to explain your decision) needed to take a different decision and that you count on their assistance and support in the future.
        Whoever cooks a meal alone and are for their work willing to accept responsibility, will also eat what they have cooked, without complaining.
    2. It is difficult to expect that innovations, especially those which limit privileged people, would be accepted. Most employees would only like to have higher salaries and no change in work or load. Nevertheless, managers always are responsible to assess what over the long term is better for their business, as they are responsible for the environment in departments and sometimes they simply have to take decisions, which may not be accepted by some individuals.
      Assessment can therefore be understood as a part of one's job obligation, and not participating could be understood as a role failure.
      Anyhow, you have the possibility to exclude individuals who do not want to participate, and they simply won't take part in the awarding until they cooperate.

  4. We have a lot of employees – we are afraid they will spend too much time for evaluations (despite knowing they should not spend more then a minute per person).
    Statistically, people on average only use up to 60% of their efficiency. Apart for a few percent of jobs, which are mission critical, employees normally have at least one hour available per day to spare.
    The average time needed for monthly evaluations is:
    1. For managers (which represent approximately 20% of participants)
      Evaluations would on average take 2 minutes per person.
    2. For employees (which represent 80% of participants)
      Other employees, who are filling out a questionnaire with only 3 questions, need for evaluations on an average under 1 minute per person!
    This means that if 80% of employees say no to one coffee or cigarette per month, they manage to get time for evaluations.

  5. . I am worried about the cost, as we don't have a lot of assets available at the moment
    1. Application should not represent an additional financial burden. If you decide to install a 3-month test period, we can assure you that during this period, you will notice a positive effect. Mostly you will notice a more serious approach to work, greater tolerance between employees and will start reducing some costs. These are effects which are noticed after the application is introduced.
      After the test period:
      1. You will, in case of further participation, already manage to pay application through generated savings. Payments would be adjusted in such a way that they will not represent any additional financial burdens.
      2. If no positive effects are noticed after the test period, we will stop the evaluation, and the full test period would represent no obligations to your company.
    2. It is very difficult to discuss the price until we don't understand whether and how much this program benefits your business. If it doesn't make any change, then there is no base to discuss the price, don't you agree?
      Since the price should be viewed in the light of additional cost savings, which the program can bring, I ask you to make a quick calculation of how much you could save per month?
      1. by having a greater utilization of internal potential?
        (To calculate what your current utilization of internal potential is in your company, you can use a simple and quick calculation on our website.)
      2. by having an immediate insight into the contributions of each individual, which are as accurate as any financial/accounting statements, and therefore having an ablitiy to deal with problems before they go out of control.
      3. by having an immediate access to the critical points of individual activities?
        (Over an extended period, the Director can get a clear insight into the performance of managers and employees known for low performance, but nobody was actually able to prove it.)
      4. taking into consideration the fact that evaluations and rewarding, automatically improves the performance?
        (We all increase our productivity when evaluated, while at the same time evaluations very easily exclude those who do not make any effort.)
      5. if knowing that those who will get listed as the last in the overall rankings, will begin to work more efficient and thereby contribute to greater business success?
        (The company will achieve a higher working efficiency only if its employees stop losing precious time and energy into undefined and destructive relations!)
      6. if knowing that relations between employees, willingness to help and participate, will significantly improve due to the awareness that an individuals' rewarding depends on colleagues' evaluations (which will reflect from their own cooperation and participation)?
      7. by having monthly tables showing an individual's contribution, and therefore being able to see who has lower results and to try to encourage her/him to improve?
        (The interesting part is that no one wants to be at the last place, so we all improve our performance)
      8. by engaging people to see that they can with their own behaviour and cooperation contribute towards their level of income? This is very good motivation for them to start being more active and helpful.
      9. by stopping those who have, consciously or unconsciously, a negative impact on others?
      10. Due to complete documentation, where all potential problems would be listed, you can:
        1. dismiss those who simply are not willing to contribute
        2. avoid potential court cases, which can cost the company easily up to 100,000 EUR
        (In case of having a problematic employee, you have proof of their inappropriate behaviour therefore avoid any risk of being taken to court since your decisions would be covered by evidence)
      11. if knowing that due to better relations, people would not consider leaving company, while also lowering sick days?
      12. if knowing that assets given into additional training from now on won't represent a cost, but an investment into the weakest parts of business?